Supporting Our Community with Imerman Angels

Company Culture

veröffentlicht am 07/19/2023

At Simon Hegele Healthcare Solutions, we love having the opportunity to volunteer and take part in community activities. And for many years, our team members have supported Imerman Angels as an extension of our mission: We Make Healthcare Work.

Imerman Angels is a nonprofit organization that provides free one-on-one support to people affected by cancer all over the world. They match cancer fighters, survivors, previvors, and caregivers of any age, gender, and cancer type with a mentor – a survivor or caregiver who has faced the same type of cancer. The organization’s vision is to ensure that no one has to cope with cancer alone. Its founder, Jonny Angel, was inspired to create the organization after battling cancer himself.

Our team is proud to support Imerman Angels and believes in their work. We have built a meaningful partnership with the organization.

"Imerman Angels is deeply grateful for the longstanding partnership and generosity of the team at Simon Hegele Healthcare Solutions”, says Stephanie Lieber, Executive Director at Imerman Angels. “The support provided allows us to manage the storing and distribution of Lemonheads to chemotherapy infusion centers across the country, providing relief and comfort to so many cancer patients. We simply couldn't manage this process without the commitment of partners like Simon Hegele."

Some ways Simon Hegele Healthcare Solutions has supported the organization include:

  • Attending events
  • Storing and shipping Lemonheads for Imerman Angels
  • Participating in and sponsoring their annual Brunch Run in Chicago
  • Raising awareness for their free peer-to-peer support program

To learn more about Imerman Angels, click here.

To learn more about our mission, click here.

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